
The Rich Man in Babylon

The world hasn´t changed. The same fundamental rules are as relevant now as they were 5000 years ago....The book very much explaines how modern society with all its fancy systems and microchips fundamentally is based on the same unverlying principples as 5000 years ago. I think this book is very important to read because it brings some important principples to the...

Scarface & Notorious BIG – It´s not about the finish line, it´s about the race

For no special reason I watched two films on Saturday. The first film I watched was about Notorious In short the film shows the rise and fall of one of the greatest rappers of all time. Late at night Al Pachinos Scarface a cuban with great ambitions of becoming the biggest mafia boss in Miami. Throughout the film he manages to realise his dreams, but soon finds out...

Must Read Upstart Books

This is work in progress...The E-Myth Revisited: Why Most Small Businesses Don't Work and What to Do About It by Michael E. Gerber - Rich Dad, Poor Dad: What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money--That the Poor and the Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich The Richest Man in Babylon Financial...

Theory & Practice

Theory is great!Personally I love reading books. Im a bit of a "business-nerd" so most of the books i read are about business or business related. Reading book´s give me new ideas and inspiration about how to change things for the better in my company.Please see "Must Read Upstart Books" to see some of the books I have truly enjoyed.At the moment im taking a course...

Home Based Business Top 11 Principles to Success

Home Based Business Top 11 Principles to SuccessWith Reference to: people study how to build a home based business as if it were a science. While there is always a certain amount of chance in everyone’s life, in many ways business building can be thought of as a science. Read on for eleven of the most salient...

About The-Upstart

Hello worldwideweb,The-Upstart is about business and entrepreneurship, but more importantly its about inspiring you to start your own business, continue working on your business or become better at business.I will do my best in sharing some of my biggest mistakes and successes so far on my journey to becoming a successfull entrepreneur. Hopefully you will find the...

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