Unstoppable Entrepreneur – how to make it!

Why do some entrepreneurs keep on making it large, while most crumble before even getting started? Is there an entrepreneur gene? Are there specific habits or patterns that make them invincible? This is a question I have been asking myself for the past 7 years. Over...

Freedom Lifestyle : Bigger than the internet?

I just flew over to London from Oslo with 140 mph winds and I feel grateful for making it in one piece! The last 30 minutes of the flight we were jumping up, down and from side to side like crazy and I decided to focus on being grateful for everything I have in my...

55/1000 The Bucket List – Eat Duck and Waffle

New Home Page Author of the 1# International Amazon bestseller ‘Never Work Again´ Hi, Erlend Bakke here founder of Mr.Outsource.com and the author of the amazon best seller NEVER WORK AGAIN. Today i’m at the top of Heron tower here on  beautiful London...