I just flew over to London from Oslo with 140 mph winds and I feel grateful for making it in one piece! The last 30 minutes of the flight we were jumping up, down and from side to side like crazy and I decided to focus on being grateful for everything I have in my life and for the life I have lived so far. It´s probably a good idea to spend some time each day being grateful for everything in our lives, not only when it´s threatened by crazy atlantic winds. Just a thought.- Erlend Bakke
Author of the #1 International Bestseller `Never Work Again`
Freedom Lifestyle News
BITCOIN: Bigger than the internet?
How It Works, And Why It Could One Day Threaten Legacy Payments Tools Like Credit Cards
Business InsiderBitcoin offers merchant and individuals an extremely low-cost, virtually frictionless payments system. Value can easily be transferred around the world without transmitting sensitive information that could be used for fraud, and without forcing merchants to pay extortionate transaction fees. But, while the emergence of Bitcoin brings with it numerous advantages, it also faces incredible hurdles.
On my Kindle

I am currently reading The ONE Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results In short the 80/20 rule on steroids!

“Success demands singleness of purpose. You need to be doing fewer things for more effect instead of doing more things with side effects. It is those who concentrate on but one thing at a time who advance in this world.” – Gary Keller

Stats of the Day
Amazing LinkedIn Statistics
  • Total number of Linked In users: 277 million as of 02-06-2014
  • Number of new LinkedIn members per second: 2
  • Number of monthly unique LinkedIn: 187 million
  • Total number of LinkedIn business pages: 3 million
  • Total number of LinkedIN endorsements: 1 billion
Must Have Gadget

Livescribe 2 GB Echo Smartpen (APX-00008)

This ink-based pen is a mini-computer, complete with a processor, screen, memory, microphone, speaker, and audio jack. Write or record notes.
Latest News
Erlend Bakke interviewed on The Passive Podcast by Derek Binghman 
Check it out here
Bucket List Idea

Drive a F-1 Car in Abu Dhabi – Yas Marina Circuit

The Daily Giggle


PS: If you want a signed copy of my 1# International Bestseller “Never Work Again”, all you have to do is write an honest short review of the book by clicking this link and email me a screenshot to erlend (at) mroutsource.com.



Erlend Bakke