
Tim Ferriss gives tips to young tech entrepreneurs

If you're interested to do a start-up business, take these advice from the best-selling author, Tim Ferris. First, unless you're self-funding, you will need a technical co-founder; Try to get advisers before getting investors; learn before you earn; Volunteer for organizations where you can meet possible investors and choose your friends very carefully. Learn more...

Behind the Brand Host, Bryan Elliott meets the best-selling author, Tim Ferris

In this interview, Tim Ferriss talks about the amount of preparation, research, testing, and experimentation he has done in coming up with the best-selling book, the 4-Hour Chef! And this isn't just a cookbook. It teaches knife skills and enhances memory. It's about learning anything and living the good life! Watch this video to learn more.  

Outsourcing Lesson 06: Entrepreneurs that want to live the 4 hour work week

Outsourcing and Automation Lessons for Entrepreneurs that want to live the 4 hour work week!   Hi! Erlend Bakke here, founder of Today, I just wanted to record this really quick for you because there's a very cool way for you to post content to your blogs so you get more traffic. And on my phone, open it up here. Of course, Im a big fan...

Alan Sugar’s Tips for Entrepreneurs

Have someone trustworthy to run and take control of your company for a day or two and use that days to go out and find new businesses or at least observe what your competitors are up to. The market is changing and if you engrossed yourself too much in the day to day running of the business, you might find that the world is passing you by and you are missing...

Warren Buffet speaks about the qualities of Success

How do you determine success? According to Warren Buffet, American business magnate, investor and philanthropist, there is more to it than having intellect and energy. What matters most is having integrity and leadership qualities. Write down and think about the qualities that you want until they become habitual. Learn more from this insightful video.

Felix Dennis gives great advice on starting a business

Multimillionaire, Felix Dennis shares great advice for a start-up business! The British publisher, poet, philanthropist and founder of the Dennis Publishing proposes that everything you do should be web-based for instance, web-based magazines like ezine. It should have great writers and great editorial. It's cheaper and easier to launch and you don't have to kill...

Tim Ferriss on Dating

Curious on what the New York Times bestselling author thinks about “dating”? Does he have a clever, strategic way on how to do it? In this video, Tim Ferriss also shares his thoughts on the importance of having a diversified identity by having queer investments on different fields of interest such athletics or business. Watch this very engaging interview of the...

Tim Ferriss: “The 4 Hour Body” at Austin, TX

 What is the Principle of Minimum Effective Dose and how can it help you achieve your desired body structure? The bestselling author shows from his own experiments and exercises that training results to endurance. Thorough research, discipline, hard work and behavioral change can failure proof whatever your goals are including body change. Watch Tim Ferriss and...

On the spotlight : The Mr. Outsource Interview

    What is so good about outsourcing? You have to delegate, you have to outsource, you have to out  people either internally or externally taking care of what all the tolls that you wanna do. Or else youre gonna have no time to think and actually spend time on the build of your business, if youre always taking care of little talks that somebody else be...

Don’t Know What to Outsource Yet?

Download this master list of tasks you can outsource to us to get started.