Just finished reading Secrets of the Millionaire Mind and found it to be very worth my while and I do recommend you reading the book. I still need to learn Photoreading and unfortunately the course I was going to take here in Norway was cancelled due to lack of people signing up.

“Finally, there´s an answer. It´s simple, it´s law, and you´re not going to circumvent it. It all comes down to this: if your subconscious “financial blueprint” is not “set” for success, nothin you learn, nothing you know, and nothing you do will make much of a difference.”

Eker teaches you to change and explore how and why you think about money and the book has a range of excellent exercises that help you define what and how you can change your mind. As with all things you have to make an effort and focus to clearly define what you want in life. I went through my bucket list with a friend yesterday and it clearly needs updating! The great thing is that I have subconsciously achieved a few of the points in this allready! Great!

I wish you a great day!