We Can All Be Champions

Champions are not born, they’re made. Otherwise, you can say we are all champions in the first place because we are all born equal – without any knowledge of the world. It is in perceiving reality, nurturing goals, and gaining pace that determines a true champion....

Pain is Temporary, Yet It Lasts Through Success

Pain is real, yet it lasts. It is a temporary feeling to remind us that we are humans. Imperfect, yet we have lots of rooms for development and progress. Hence, the achievements of great artists, scientists, musicians, entrepreneurs, and the likes experience the same...

Staying Positive and Motivated for a Good Life

  In this video we are going to talk about how to stay motivated because when you are motivated and positive, you have so much more energy. When you are happy, you just do more and you feel better. So why don’t we share some tips on how to stay positive and...

SBA Delivers Success for Entrepreneurs

The US Small Business Association and the United States Postal Service present delivering success. Turning your passion into a business is an entrepreneur’s dream. In this chapter, we’ll discover how passion and business co-exist. SBA’s 2006 Small Business Person of...