I just arrived back in London town and will be going up The Shard (tallest building in Europe) next week. Another experience to cross off on my bucket list! Our flat in London has both a view to The Shard and London Eye and it´s been an amazing place to live for the past 1 & 1/2 years! The next two weeks we are selling everything we own on Ebay and it feels amazing to sell, give away and detox our belongings. It´s probably something we all should do more often? We have also decided that 2014 in NYC will be a year of experience rather than material consumption and we are both very excited to move in the end of March!

If you are looking for inspirational documentaries to watch I have created a list of the ones I have watched and enjoyed here. I have added a few trailers at the bottom of the page so it may take some time to load…


Freedom Lifestyle News

Words of Wisdom From Self-Made Billionaires
(Incredible Tips For Extreme Success)

  • A lot of people are comfortable with what they’re doing. They don’t want change. People get into a zone where they are very comfortable. They don’t like the idea of risk.
  • If you are going to do something, do it big!
  • If you know your product is great and you know why you made it, you don’t have to apologise for being small.
  • I never hear the word NO, it meant MAYBE.
  • You have every bit of opportunity that I had.
  • Stay focused on the products that you are providing to your users.



On my Kindle
The Art of Learning – Josh Waitzkin
World Chess Champion and Tai Chi Push Hands Champion explains what it takes to become a master of any skill and art. The combination of intellect (chess) and body (tai chi) is insightful and inspirational! I love the combined thinking of ancient eatern wisdom and western progressive thinking. It´s an amazing book that I have really taken the time to digest slowly and time.

PS. YES I read a lot of books, but I only read about 10-20 pages pr.day. If you read 20 pages a day for 365 days that becomes 7300 pages pr. year that equals about 30 books a year. All I do is make a little effort daily and over time the little effort becomes MASSIVE!

PPS. Before reading the full book ask yourself; What 3 questions am I trying to answer by reading this book. You DO NOT have to read the full book! Except mine of course 😉 hehe No, seriously I do say in the intro of my book that read this chapter for x and this chapter for Y. If you want to read faster you can do this course. I did it about 5 years ago and find it useful! http://www.photoreading.com/

Stats of the Day
Email Marketing
Source: Hubspot
  • Over 50% of respondents say they read most of their emails
  • 12% of people use separate work and personal inboxes
  • 88% prefer to receive HTML emails vs. 12% who prefer plain text from companies
  • Your most recent subscribers are the most likely to click through
  • 65% prefer emails that contain mostly images vs. 35% who prefer mostly text
  • Saturday has the highest CTR at over 9% (Sunday is second just under 9%)
  • 6 AM has the highest CTR of any hour
  • Most unsubscriptions come on Tuesdays (0.52% unsub rate)
  • Clicks by button text: Click Here gets the highest % of clicks over Go and Submit
  • Secrets is the most clicked lead nurturing subject line word



Must Have Gadget

GreatShield PowerTank & & LED’s)
Plug, Charge, and Go. I always travel this and I also bring it along in my bag if I know I´m gone for a full day. I got mine for Xmas from my brother. Thanks BRO!


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3 Ways Juicing Will Make Every Entrepreneur Better
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Bucket List Idea

Go Skydiving – Mt. Everest



The Daily Giggle


PS: If you want a signed copy of my 1# International Bestseller “Never Work Again”, all you have to do is write an honest short review of the book by clicking this link and email me a screenshot to erlend (at) mroutsource.com.


All the best,


Erlend Bakke