The greatest advantage of being your own boss is the freedom to take charge of your life, personal or professional. Every business endeavour has its challenges so it is important to maintain the momentum and enthusiasm you have built. You should condition yourself for success every new day. Keeping an optimistic attitude is needed to strengthen your determination and motivation to succeed. The secret in attaining this mindset is by observing the following guidelines in your day-to-day living:


Begin each day inspired. As soon as you open your eyes each morning, take a deep breath and be grateful for the new day given to you. A short “thank you” with a smile will put you in the right mood instantly. Do not miss taking breakfast, the most important meal of you day. It fuels your body for what lies ahead today. While at the breakfast table, skip the morning daily with its dose of unpleasant news. Listen instead to some soothing or inspirational music on the player or over the radio. You may also want to read a short poem or a passage in the scripture. During the course of your day, relieve your stress by reflecting on that morning’s inspirations to keep you going.

Always keep in mind the primary reason you chose the business you are in. You may have reflected on this many times before but when the going gets rough and you feel discouraged, reminding you of your purpose re-enkindles the initial fire and the enthusiasm you had at the beginning on the project. This will keep you back on tract.



Put on a happy face. Smile even though you do not feel it because it is difficult to feel grouchy while smiling. It is the fastest way to dissipate a bad mood in us and to those whom we smile at. Also, it relaxes your face because you use less facial muscles than when you frown. Smile makes you look and feel younger. Smile is very contagious. It spreads around fast. Try it when you are in a crowd of serious-looking people. Smile and soon, it catches on to others. When you smile, you radiate a positive feeling around you that affects others. It gives you a friendly image so people find it easy to approach you— a very good way to attract them to your business.

Keep your conversations positive. Negative expressions such as “It is not possible”, or “it is difficult” should not be a part of your daily vocabulary. When asked “How are you today?”, do not give a litany of your woes. Rather, give a positive reply with a smile. People feel good when they hear positive things so be careful with your choice of words. Do not be a wet blanket in a group and try always to stay upbeat.


Learn to prioritize. Always start your day with a list of activities you prepared the previous night. Try to work on the more difficult tasks first while your energy level is still high. Do not try to finish off too much work for the day that may leave you exhausted. Complete one or two tasks to have a sense of accomplishment for that day. This will boost your morale and make you enjoy the feeling of success. You do not have to worry or fret over some tasks you may leave undone. You can just always include them in the next day’s “to-do” list.

Maintain a good work/life balance. With hard work comes success but too much of it and neglecting your other physiological need may be detrimental to your well-being. It may become counter-productive in the long run. On the other hand, indulging too much in your pleasures may decrease your ability to earn. This may also result in the failure of your business or the attainment of your goal. Give equal time for your work and private life. Spend quality time with your loved ones and pursue hobbies or activities that relieve you of stress. A proper balance of professional and personal fulfilment is a vital key to your overall success.

In short, always try to a positive mindset in order to achieve success 24/7 in your life!