The world hasn´t changed. The same fundamental rules are as relevant now as they were 5000 years ago….

The book very much explaines how modern society with all its fancy systems and microchips fundamentally is based on the same unverlying principples as 5000 years ago. I think this book is very important to read because it brings some important principples to the surface. In business you need to break down the complexity of the whole system into simple parts and principples to understand how it all works. That is what I mean by “cracking the code”. If you gain a underlying understanding about how money works in our society you will be much better equipped when running a business. Another interesting perspective I gained from reading The Rich Man in Babylon was that whether we like it or not everyone runs a business. Your personal finances are also a business. In the book you are told to save/invest 10% of your earnings to live a happy life. The same principples were applied by Pinochet in Chile after the country was struck by inflation in the 70s and the economical principle of this has seemed to work well for the country.