In this video we are going to talk about how to stay motivated because when you are motivated and positive, you have so much more energy. When you are happy, you just do more and you feel better. So why don’t we share some tips on how to stay positive and motivated?

Let me have a go at it first – I don’t think motivation is borne out of genes but rather it’s something that you have to work on every single day. If you need one inspiration quote, it’s not going to change your life, you need to read that quote every day, you need to read inspirational books or inspirational movies to make it part of your life. Being happy and being motivated is just like acquiring any other skill. You have to keep practicing and practicing until it becomes natural to you.

So in summary, you have to surround yourself with positive things, anything that can help you feel and stay motivated. Don’t put yourself in a situation where you will feel negative energy, you feel being a mess and then you become discouraged. Staying motivated is a work in progress so be careful of the choices you make all the time.

Now it’s your turn. Do you have tips and practices that keep you motivated and positive throughout the day? Throughout your lifetime? Do share with us on the comments section below!