
What the bleep do we know? (Full movie)

“The greatest secret in life is that reality is nothing more than an illusion. The physicalworld does not exist outside our own belief system and the filter of our mind.We are, in fact, sub-particles of God experiencing creation itself. But as sub-particles ofGod, we also have sway over these creations.Everything you experience in life, every event, occurrence,...

My First MLM meeting with ZinZino

Went to my first Multi Level Marketing or MLM meeting today at Sentrum Scene in Oslo and found it very interesting. Fascinating to see how you can build a companyYou can read more about the ZinZino concept by clicking here.  I also bought a couple of books;Rascal by Chris BradyThe Slight Edge by Jeff OlsonLife by Orring WoodwardEmbracing Your Inner Critic by Hall &...

Goal´s and Optimization (a work in progress article)

What is the difference between goals and optimization? Well, they are different life philosophies and this article discusses the two to help you clarify how you can apply this to your life. In short life is process, life is everyday, so enjoying the optimization process is what will make all your goals come true. Do you need goals? Yes, it´s really good to know...

Don’t Know What to Outsource Yet?

Download this master list of tasks you can outsource to us to get started.