The success of a blog does not depend on the number of words it contains nor the impressive and high sounding vocabulary used in it. In fact, these are the nemesis of a well-written article. People prefer simplicity and clarity in what they read.

What attracts people most to read an article is the value it gives to them. They must be able to relate to the topic the article discusses. In short, readers look for content worth their time reading it.

Admittedly, thinking of topics or ideas to write about, however short the articles are, requires much effort and research. At times, it can be a brain draining and nerve wrecking process to come up with a seemingly simple blog that is attractively amusing without a hint of the hardship the writer invested in it. No matter how effortless the end product might look, it really takes time, hard work, and struggle to achieve blogging success.

However, writing a content worth reading should not be so difficult and daunting. Here are some tips to guide you:


Indifference is oftentimes the cause of flat content in blog writing. If the writer does not sincerely care about his readers, this feeling somehow creeps into the article he is writing by the choice of words he uses or the overall tone of his work. Before composing your article, know your target audience, feel their needs, and try to fill those needs with what you write.

Many writers fail to realize this so they shove into their readers their own thoughts and ideas regardless if their readers can relate to them or not. This kind of attitude may be acceptable if you are a columnist in a newspaper as a paid commentator on public issues. However, as an online entrepreneur, you must woo your readers and prospective clients. Strive to write contents that are agreeable and are sincerely useful to them.

Good blogs have many followers, relevant topics, and creativity flowing in them every day. Post simple but pointed questions about a topic. Ask your readers to offer suggestions what they would like to know more about.



There is no harm in re-issuing previous topics that helped others before. It can happen that they missed them the first time they were published. You may edit these old blogs a bit to freshen them up a bit. You can also review old post for new ideas. See if you can present from a different and more relevant and interesting angles.



Do not be overly concerned about ranking in internet marketing. Concentrate more on the contents of your blog. If your content is worth reading, readers and indexes will find means to search your blog. Creating follow-worthy content is more than just working how to achieve a top ranking on a search engine site. Other bloggers can lay the groundwork for developing new followers by providing in depth original work and promoting their blog on social media sites.



“Variety is the spice of life” and this applies to blog-writing, too. Give your readers the chance to visit more sites by linking your blog to these various sites. This will offer your readers more options which are important steps in your blog’s voice and point of view. Other ways to increase traffic is to comment on other blogs and sites which have readers you would like to attract to your site.

Link your site to social media like Twitter and Facebook to attract more interest to your sites. These social media are powerful vehicle in getting referrals to your site.



Make sure you write to blog posts people want to read. These will help to come up with ideas you need for new contents and ensure that each blog you post is a hit. This strategy will help you in creating content that works well in the search engines and to your readers’ eyes. We suggest the following posts you can connect with. USE



• Search Meter: This is a WordPress plug-in that records all the search terms your visitors are using with your site’s internal search bar. It provides the exact content that people visiting your site want to know more about. Take note of the topics commonly searched and use them as references for topics for your next blog.

• Google Analytics: By using Google Analytics, you can search for the words that drive visitor to your site. However, note that the search volume in Google’s keyword tool is not accurate by 75% more.

• Tynt: It automatically turns people who copy and paste your content into link builders. It does this by adding a link to the pasted content and a short, customizable attribution text. Tynt gives you a list of queries that sent search engine users to your site.

• Forum Searcher: It informs you of the other search queries that lead visitors on every particular page on your forum with the phrase: “visitors found this page by searching for”. You can then use the footprint in a search query along with your keyword to find a list of other relevant search terms to target in blog posts.

• SEO Search Terms Tagging 2 Plug-in: This is another tool to help you discover search terms being used to reach your blog. The plug-in will also add a list of the 10 most recent searches that landed visitors on your site at the end of each post. It is recommended that you use several online analytic tools to give you a more accurate data you can use as reference in writing articles most internet users search about. This information is a great help in coming up with content worth reading that attracts followers.