You are busy working on your PC writing an article which has to be submitted tomorrow. You are deep in thought and trying hard to collect and organize your ideas when suddenly your computer’s alarm beeps—an incoming message in your Facebook account. Reluctantly, you put on hold the article you are writing and open your Facebook just to read a joke from a friend. Annoyed (and rightly so), you go back to your article.


Seconds later, the alarm beeps again. This time, you get a twit from your cousin asking what you are doing. Fuming
mad, you switch back to the article you are rushing and then, the alarm sounds again for a scam message in your email.

Exasperated, you try to continue working back on your article but annoyance, anger, and frustration sap your energy
and dissipate all ideas from your brain! A familiar experience? Unfortunately, these digital distractions come quite often
and at the most importune times—when we are busy at work on very important and critical project on the computer.

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GOOD NEWS to busy and serious writers! With the new internet blocking productivity software, FREEDOM from Eighty
Percent Solutions Corporation, all these annoying digital distractions can be minimize, avoided, or completely STOP
temporarily until we are done with whatever work we are doing on the computer.

Time is too valuable to waste and FREEDOM will help you fight all these distractions so you can get your work done
on time. If the internet is distracting you from your work, FREEDOM application keeps you away from it so you can be

FREEDOM disables your internet connections for the time period you specify or up to eight blissful hours. Once the
software is turned on and running, you will not able to get online. This change in your computer is temporary so
whenever you choose to get back online, simply reboot.

For your convenience, FREEDOM internet blocking productivity software works with both the MAC or Windows.

With FREEDOM, no more annoying digital distraction and no wasted time while you are at work on your computer.

Interested to know more how FREEDOM works for you, visit them at: