1There are several ways to learn the ropes in achieving success. You can engage the services of a professional mentor for one-on-one sessions, enrol in actual empowerment seminars for group meetings, subscribe to online coaching, or read “how-to-succeed” articles in the internet. Any of these methods can be effective, depending on your budget, your time, or your determination to succeed.

However, with the popularity of do-it-yourself (DIY) methods for accomplishing almost any activities these days (from cooking, carpentry, sewing, accounting, or even some college courses, etc), you can teach yourself how to succeed. By far, this is the cheapest and time-flexible way to learn any skill, including the art of succeedin

One big trick to attain your goal faster is to automate the process by building up success habits. When habits get deeply ingrained in your system, you do them with the least effort and results are realized automatically. How then do you form these habits? By constantly thinking and answering these questions in your mind:

  • Define what you want to achieve. Just wanting to be successful in life in general sense does not mean anything unless you have a definite goal to concentrate your efforts to. Otherwise, your lack of focus will hinder your success. Define how and when you want to succeed. Studies have shown that people who set goals are the most successful in the long term. In most cases, by merely setting a goal to attain something definite, details on how to work out your plan just fall into places as you go along. This saves time and effort in the attainment of your goal to succeed.
  • 1Visualize success. Visualization is a powerful means of getting what you want. Even the Law of Attraction strongly recommends this. Robert Collier, one of America’s successful writers and publishers on happiness and abundance once said: “Visualize this thing that you want, see it, feel it, believe in it. Make your mental blue print, and begin to build”. Have a detailed picture of whatever success you want to achieve, including the key elements that comprise it. This will guide and prevents you from being derailed in your journey.
  • Plan your actions. Even the grandest scheme will remain a useless dream on the drawing board unless there are definite plans of action drawn up to accomplish it. Once you have clearly visualized in your mind how your success looks and feels, it is time to actually work on its realization while the strong motivation is still “hot” in your system.
  • Take the first step. Act, and act now! Procrastination, delays, and too much deliberation can kill easily the enthusiasm your visualization has stirred in your mind. To jumpstart your first step, talk to those who already succeeded in the similar goal you set. This will prevent too long deliberations that result to procrastination. As the late Martin Luther, Jr. said:”You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step” and now!
  • Tick off hurdles. Once you have taken the first step of drawing up your plan of action and start working on it, expect real or imagined problems and hurdles to pop out along the way. This is the troubleshooting phase for the successful attainment of your goal. Anticipating these problems will help you stay on track and teach your brain to expect and solve them. Perhaps, these words of Booker T. Washington’s can help you stay focused and motivated: “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome”.


  • Guarantee the success of your actions. You can do this by appreciating the efforts you make in overcoming the problems you face that boost up your confidence to do more. Most importantly, too, is to learn from the setbacks you experience so you avoid committing them in the future. They allow you to gain valuable insight that will make them more successful next time.

Coaching yourself to success requires that you learn to be responsible to your every action. Deliberate and learn from every situation. Get rid of your hung ups on emotions because they will hinder your learning process. Following these steps is a good way to teach yourself to succeed and will help you grow faster, both personally and professionally.