1During these days of robotics and automation, working hard has become almost sin. Toiling and trying to do everything alone is not considered a virtue anymore but sort of a mental dysfunction. The logic behind this rather harsh conclusion is: why unnecessarily burden yourself when you can do things the easy ways? The new catch phrase now in the workplace is “work smart, not hard” which outsourcing supports and has made possible.

With the ever-growing acceptance and popularity of outsourcing, many tasks that used to burden many entrepreneurs in running their businesses can now be easily done for them by others with less cost, more efficiently, and with minimal or no stress at all.

These are the commonly outsourced jobs that are vital to most businesses, especially to small and medium-sized ones. However, before outsourcing, determine which areas you or your company can actually benefit from it.

  • Secretarial jobs:

These are popular in small or one-person offices. They include scheduling, setting/confirming appointments, making travel arrangements, and updating social media sites

  • Typing / Transcription jobs:

1These jobs are usually needed by medical or legal offices when dictated or orally recorded data are converted to written format for electronic sending or for filing purposes.

  • Accounting / Financial jobs:

These includes preparation of financial statements, general billing tasks, and payroll processing

  • Human Resources jobs:

Among the jobs available are putting out ads for hiring, calling or following up employment candidates, interviewing applicants, or setting up interview s between candidates and management, setting up or actually conducting qualifying tests, preparing orientation program for new hires, etc.

  • Communication jobs:

These involve making or receiving calls, preparing or sending routine messages to clients, up-dating and maintaining regular contacts with clients, handling post office tasks, etc.

  • Customer Support jobs:

In manufacturing and distribution companies, customer support tasks can be a major issue. They include routine customer support calls such as replying to product availability, shipping updates, status of orders, etc. thus freeing regular staff to focus on more pressing business matters.

  • 1Sales and Marketing jobs:

These will include posting or distribution of advertising campaigns, telemarketing, public relations tasks, gathering pertinent statistics on progress and effects of campaigns, etc.

  • T. Support Functions jobs:

This is one of the most outsourced positions because it frees companies from so much expense in terms of salaries and compensations, availability and maintenance of hardware     and software involved, and assurance of updated network development. Also, outsourcing IT means less downtime in maintenance or upgrading of the system since this is done off-site by the provider.

  • Distribution jobs:

Common commercial carriers like UPS, Fedex, already provide this need of companies with more reliability, faster, and at lesser cost. However, companies are always open to other shipping companies who can provide better offers.

  • Highly specialized functions in the fields of engineering, construction, project management as in turn-key basis, legal, finance & investment, medicine, etc are also outsourced.

With outsourcing, you can be truly productively lazy. No one can vouch for this any better than outsource companies themselves like Mr. Outsource. When you outsource some of your tasks, you do less and yet accomplish more. You give others the opportunity to earn while you find more time to discover additional ways to be more productive.