5Making a decision when faced with life’s dilemma is never easy. It could overwhelm and paralyze you from taking action, thus making the situation worse. This is like throwing a ball of tangled yarn at you and the more you try to unravel it, the more it seems to get knotted and snarled. When faced with the problem of decision-making, here is an effective way to work around the mess in your head:

Calm down and analyze the dilemma you are facing. Asking yourself the following questions will help you untie the knots of the situation:

Must I decide on it now? Often times, allowing some time for the dust to settle helps you to think more clearly. The waiting time before making a decision gives time for your brain to release its store of attention and motivation. This enables you to think clearly and come up with more sound decisions. Sometimes, it is better to stand back from a difficult situation and not take it too seriously. You are far more likely to find a solution this way than going into a panic.

5What affect will my decision have? It is important to think of the repercussion of your decision. Therefore, look ahead and also try reversing your view of it. What will happen if you do not do anything? Weigh the pros and cons of your decision. Sometimes, letting go of the situation is a more sensible thing to do. Taking a haphazard action which you can no longer retract later may make matters worse. By letting it go gives you the option to rectify things in case your inaction proves unwise, which is not always easy or possible to do if the action had been completed and the damage done.

What am I afraid of? Analyze your real reason for procrastinating. Honest assessment of the cause for your fear or hesitation helps to clear your mind. Is your fear justified or a mere exaggeration? Seeking advice from a trusted friend or a qualified mentor will help enlighten you in this issue. Avail of this option. Two heads, yours and others, are better than one.

Why am I doing making this decision? Be clear of the reason why you are making the decision. Being aware of your goal makes it easy for you to choose the right decision. Is your decision for own gain, for the good of your family, or for your company’s welfare? By focusing on a particular purpose, you narrow down your choices, thus freeing your mind of confusions and conflicting decisions.

7• How do I really feel about this? Do not ignore your gut instinct. Your decision should resonate within you and puts you at ease. It must reflect the real you and your values. Only then can you come up with a decision backed up by your firm conviction. This minimizes any feeling of regrets by decisions made half-heartedly. It is not bad to listen to others’ opinions but make sure you make your final decision is yours.

Despite the care you put in to come up with a wise decision, you could not really guarantee a satisfactory result. In making a decision, therefore, you should prepare your mind for unforeseen turns of events. This is not inviting negative thinking but rather ensuring a positive alternative in place to avoid disappointment and frustration. Keep this thought in mind and ask yourself the above questions can make decision making so much easier.