One More Try Until You Succeed

In the course of our struggle to achieve success, sometimes we got to do one more thing to reach the peak of our goal. Decision is crucial. We got to think carefully, especially when we are at the topmost level of our career. Sometimes the difference between the...

Going for it!

    These words are powerful enough to move our conscience: “Voice without a vision; noise without a mission; all talk, but no take over.” Undeniably, we speak empty words to hide truth coming out of our mouth. We are afraid to tell what should be said and...

The 5 monkeys

    This is another great story to ponder on. It speaks about rules, traditions, and everything else that have been set before us. The story is the same as society. We follow rules that have been crafted and being practiced a long time ago. Every time we...

Widening Perspectives

This animated video is a great story about perspectives and knowing the truth. Some of us, if not all, tend to limit our vision based on the things that we perceive.  We sometimes limit our thoughts based on what we experience. You might say, “This is not something...

Dream Big, Aim High

“Shit happens!”… Well…indeed, if we let negativity dictates our future. The human race has been through a lot of terrible experiences, such as economic crisis, poverty, recession, genocide, war, famine, and all the hardships in life. However, amidst these adversities,...