Movies for Entrepreneurs

Movies for Entrepreneurs

Need something to watch this weekend? Here is my list of top 10 movies for entrepreneurs. Our brain needs to relax and process ideas for you to come up with the best solution to your challenges. I have compiled a list of films that are business related in one way or...
Delegate Or Drown

Delegate Or Drown

Workation complete! A customer asked Regina; “What happens when Erlend is away?” Regina: “It does not really matter because we run the day to day business. He is doing his job when he is away because he always comes back with ideas and thoughts...
Keeping Faith

Keeping Faith

I just arrived in the Norwegian mountains for a 14 day stretch of holiday. Not a workation, a holiday! A workation is when you travel to a destination you always have wanted to go and do some business and holiday at the same time. Workation! It´s also a 50% tax saving...


Summer is here! Nice London summer for me! What is your summer project this year? I´m working on my next book and training program:) Have you ever thought about the upside of stress? I have always thought that stress = heart disease, cancer and other bad things, but...
Speaking Industry

Speaking Industry

Wonderful beautiful summer is here! The other day I walked by Speakers Corner here in London and listened for a while in the rain. Yes, I´m in London after all! Pah! Why did I become a speaker/author entrepreneur? Part of the word Authority comes the word Author. If...