Hello from London-town! The first book I ever ready on entrepreneurship was “How to Get Rich” by Felix Dennis of famed Dennis Publishing and a tree hugger of a grand scale. I have watched this video countless times and I believe it has some very important messages on how to become an invincible entrepreneur. However my perception of wealth and money has changed dramatically over time and I no longer want to be Felix. What I want is to life a life of freedom and that feels very liberating. Hope you like the video!

Freedom Lifestyle News

Over the last couple of weeks I have been emailing and contacting authors and entrepreneurs for the updated version of Never Work Again (coming out in 2 months) and have found it surprisingly easy to get access to these types of people. In fairness I have only received 25 emails from readers and I have sold 15000 books!

If you want to get started in business this is a great way to do it!

How I got 25 Successful Founders To Write My Book For Me
Are you watching your favorite mentors being interviewed and thinking why can’t I interview them? Have you thought of writing an eBook but aren’t an experienced writer? Well, the time has come. It is possible for you to speak with your favorite founders, interview them and have them write your eBook for you!
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On my Kindle
Mindset – How you can fulfill your potential Dr. Dweck, Carol (2012)
Fascinating book on how important it is to have a “Growth Mindset” rather than a “Fixed Mindset”. One of the aspects that I really enjoyed was the chapter on success in sports and business. More than 2000 reviews on Amazon and well deserved!Makes a good point of why meditation and similar practices are so big in the self development world.

Stats of the Day
———————-Source: Business2Community

  • Working From Home: Currently more than 16 million people work from home in the United States, a figure that is expected to continue growing in 2014.
  • Outsourcing: It is anticipated that 1.3 billion people will work virtually by the year 2015. This means that there will be a large pool of available home-based laborers for businesses that look to avoid health care costs and large salaries.
  • More Crowdfunding: The ever-increasing number of start-ups that are created each month will need funding in 2014. This demand outweighs the capabilities of credit institutions to support new business. It is for this reason that crowdfunding services are becoming increasingly popular with small business owners.
  • Mobile Commerce: Sales statistics revealed that 69 percent of tablet users and 45 percent of smartphone users made mobile purchases this past holiday season. These statistics suggest that mobile commerce is too large of an opportunity for small businesses to ignore in 2014.


Must Have Gadget

Apple MacBook Air MD711LL/A 11.6-Inch Laptop (NEWEST VERSION)
This light computer is perfect companion for the traveling executives.
The MacBook Air can easily get though a typical workday without having to be plugged in.

Latest News

Next Webinar:
How I make $ 25,000,- a month thanks to drop shipping with Cermena Su
3rd of April 0800 PM BST (London, England)

Click Here to Register https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/5366156960829587713

Webinar ID: 131-048-251


“Business class” traveling may be getting an upgrade.
Companies are racing to release the first supersonic business jet.
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10 Best Online Businesses to Start in 2014
If you happen to be one of the people who are interested in becoming internet based entrepreneurs, keeping yourself up to date on the current technological trends is a must do thing, in specific you must keep yourself up to date with information technology (IT) and internet services.
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Bucket List Idea

Stand on the Equator
Latitude 0, Ecuador



The Daily Giggle



PS: If you want a signed copy of my 1# International Bestseller “Never Work Again”, all you have to do is write an honest short review of the book by clicking this link and email me a screenshot to erlend (at) mroutsource.com.


All the best,


Erlend Bakke