Hello ,

There are patterns in both success and failure. Once you find out what the patterns are you can replicate them and use them towards your own success. I love studying the business titans of old such as Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, J.P.Morgan and Henry Ford. Although these guys are dead, it´s amazing how similar entrepreneurship is now compared to then, not many things have changed!

A commonality among the greats is that they started in business at a young age and were mentored by either a father figure or similar business owner/entrepreneur well into their 20s and 30s. A similar pattern exists among successful people today! They have a mentor and/or a coach to help them on their path. Yeah, it´s true that most people don´t have coaches and mentors, but do you want to be average or the best that you can be?

Freedom Lifestyle News
Awesome documentary on the Titans of Business! Enjoy!

On the flight back to NYC I watched the first episode of “The Men Who Built America” and loved the show! I highly recommend watching this tv series. So many great nuggets and learnings packed with commentary from living entrepreneurs like Donald Trump, Donny Deutch, Jack Welch and many many more. Love it!

On my Kindle
Andrew Carnegie – David Nasaw
Andrew Carnegie is my favourite entrepreneur of all time because of his rags to riches story, his cunning business mind, philanthropy and great sense of humour.
Stats of the Day
5 Shocking Retirement Facts
  • 46% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved for retirement.
  • 40% of baby boomers now plan to work until they die.
  • 36% of Americans say they don’t contribute anything at all to their savings.
  • 87% of adults say they are not confident about having money for a comfortable retirement.
  • Expected retirement age is up to 67 from age 63.
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Latest News

This topic is very fluid, because there is countless ways to find someone to mentor you, so there is no standard. I will cover a few basics that has worked for us in the early stages of building our business.
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What Happens When Your Pension Fails
If your employer goes bankrupt in 2014, here’s what will happen to your pension payments.
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Bucket List Idea
Stroll along the Great Wall of China
The Daily Giggle

PS: If you want a signed copy of my 1# International Bestseller “Never Work Again”, all you have to do is write an honest short review of the book by clicking this link and email me a screenshot to erlend@mroutsource.com.

