Want to know the 10 secrets of successful entrepreneurs? Statistics have shown that most successful entrepreneurs possess the following characteristics below. Check if you have them.

1. Think success. You need to have a vision of what you want to achieve. More than anything, you should visualize success in your life and think of it as being in your reach. What you set to think in your mind, is the first step to achieving success.

2. Be passionate with what you do. Success comes easily if you love what you do. You will be more dedicated if you love your work and passionate about it.

3. Focus on your strengths. Each of us has our own strengths and weaknesses. To succeed, you need to identify your strengths and concentrate on it. Channel your efforts to the areas that you do best. Seek ways to transform your weaknesses to strengths.

4. Never consider failure. You need to believe in your goals and that you can do it. You should have absolute faith in your idea. However, your confidence should be balanced with calculated risks to ensure rewards.

5. Plan accordingly. You need to plan each day in such a way that every action contributes to the attainment of your vision. Put your goals in your plans.

6. Work hard and smart. No one can achieve success without thinking smart. You may work hard but if you don’t apply practical decisions, you will still fail.

7. Build your network. Constantly look for ways to network. To succeed in business, you need to possess great networking skill to approach investors, directors and customers. And always be alert for opportunities to expand your network.

8. Be willing to learn. You must be willing to ask questions. Remain curious and be open to new knowledge as this is crucial especially with the fast changing business landscape these days.

9. Persevere and have faith. No one said that the road to success is easy. Despite your good intentions and hard work, sometimes you will fail. But your courage to persist will help you get back on your feet again.

10. Discipline yourself. Disciplining yourself is very important for business success as this will let you stay on the right course.