You want to increase your productivity? Live by the following ideas and see how your productivity level shoots up!

Fall in love with your work and have a deep passion on what you are doing. This is the secret of successful entrepreneurs. Once you develop this attitude towards your work, you will never settle for anything less than perfection in its accomplishment. Productivity is not an accident. It does not happen overnight nor is it genetic.


Productivity does not fall down from the skies nor can it be had by wishful thinking. Rather, productivity is the outcome of deep dedication and firm commitment to excel by careful planning and undivided attention to a definite goal.



Take an immediate action. Avoid procrastinating. Do not allow self-doubts and unfounded fears of the unknown paralyze you from acting. If you do, the possibility of abandoning your plans is great. As soon as you have a set your goal, act on it at once despite the lack of a perfect scheme yet. You can fine tune your plan of action as you go along. Thinking immediately of the details at this stage may just delay or stall the achievement of your goal.


Multi-tasking is never productive. The idea that the more you accomplish in a short period of time by doing everything all at once is a myth. Doing this often results to jobs that are mediocre or full of errors. Correcting or even throwing them away later is a waste of time, money, and effort. Split your major task into smaller sections. Concentrate on one small section at time and complete it satisfactorily.


Saying NO is your biggest defence against distractions. Do not let unnecessary disruptions divert your attention from the task on hand. These may come in form of visitors dropping by your office for chats, urges to check your emails or social media accounts often, and social phone calls. Set a definite schedule in a day for these activities.


Be flexible. All rules are meant to be broken, even the above rules on productivity. Do not stick stubbornly to them if it means sacrificing your peace of mind. If there is something that comes up that may not be related to your task but keep gnawing at the back of your head, attend to it first and get rid of it as soon as possible. Anyway, it will be counter-productive to keep on working while something is stealing your full concentration.

These are just 6 easy to remember tips so there is no reason for you not to shoot up your productivity level.